Friday, October 16, 2009

Deepavali in Chennai

BREAKING NEWS: Chennai under attack

Starting yesterday afternoon, Chennai city was rocked by multiple explosions at various parts of the city. The news so far indicates that civilian casualties are nil. Chennaiites have claimed responsibility for this attack.

Hmmm...I came up with that bit...

As I am typing into my keyboard, I can hear the sounds of Deepavali. The festival of lights to celebrate the arrival of winter. The festival is celebrated during the Tamil month of Karthigai (Kar = dark) when the land is dark and cold. The light and festivities (= good food and company) bring the much needed light and warmth to the land. Kids and adults are busy bursting firecrackers and enjoying the festival. I woke up early at least according to my standards, and had a hot oil bath (no no...the kind where oil is applied on the body followed by bath in water). I have reserved the fireworks part for the afternoon. Yesterday night I took these pictures from my terrace. There was a brilliant display of fireworks on all directions.

I had a passing thought, comparison between US and here. Americans are paranoid about fireworks. One can only see them during Independence day and even then, people are forbidden from bursting crackers. Only the city council and designated members get to burst them in the supervision of multiple policemen and firefighters. Here even the little kid Suraj next door can burst the most sophisticated of fireworks with no supervision. Now isn't that freedom?

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